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Ecological source of energy: bio-ethanol liquid - packaging: 1L. A special liquid for use in fireplaces as an ecological source of energy. Obtained from a biological alcohol, it is fully combusted without emitting odour or smoke. The products of combustion are: water vapour and carbon dioxide in amounts similar to air exhaled by man. It is therefore completely safe for health. The fuel has been tested and approved for use by the National Institute of Public Health. 1 litre of bio-fuel is combusted for 2-5 hours - depending on the size of the flame. It is an efficient and relatively cheap source of energy. After just a few minutes of use, a noticeable increase in the room temperature is felt. An additional advantage of the bio-fuel is the no soot or ash which are generated when smoking in traditional fireplaces. Combustion of bio-fuel does not require special fireplaces. It only needs - as in other devices with an open fire - any possible constant supply of air. The bio-fireplace can also be used for aromatherapy. Bio-fuel does not dry the air, but moisturises it. Providing fragrance oils, we can use a bio-fireplace as a healing device. The magic and charm of a fireplace flame creates a cosy atmosphere at home and is a source of relaxation. The bio-fuel is a Polish product, 100% ecological. It is available in 1-litre packaging. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION: Pour the liquid into a metal container for combustion. The container can only be filled up to 2/3 of its volume. Make sure that the liquid is not spilled out of the container and ignite. NOTE: Do not add bio-fuel to an operating bio-fireplace.
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